We will not be able to have school tomorrow due to no water. Sorry for the inconvenience! We will still have the basketball game as scheduled. Bus will leave at 2:30.
If you have items, you can drop them by Ashley Johnson's house today or tomorrow. If you know where she lives, you can send items to school on Monday. Thank you!
One of our new 4th grade students just lost everything in a house fire. If you have any hygiene products, or clothes that could help this family out it would be appreciated. Boy 10/12 size 4.5 shoes. Girl junior size 5 pants size 8 shoes. Parents we are figuring out.
May 9 Farm Bureau is doing a bike safety class for us. They will also be having a drawing for a bike. On May 10 we will have Ride Your Bike To School Day. We will meet at the church on the highway at 7:55.
Parents we have a tree that has fallen on electric lines. There is no way they will have electric back on in a decent amount of time. School is cancelled.
Sorry for the short notice. 5-8 is having to go virtual today due to an electrical problem in their building. We will deliver Chromebooks to your house this morning. If your child must come to school, we can accommodate them. Again this is only 5th - 8th grades!